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  • Writer's pictureVega

r/incels || part 5 - the conclusion

Thank god it's over right? I know. I apologize for putting you through that, but like I said in part 4, I believe this is a lesser of two evils sort of option. People have to understand that these people, incels, are more than just the sad joke they're considered to be (to most that know incels already, the word has been entextualized to contain being a joke, and sad, and trolls), they're also a real danger to us. That's not meant to scare anyone of course, but the fact that these incels 'worship' a man who killed people in the name of incel-dom, is scary enough as it is.

Overall this was a discussion of incel speech and conversation in terms of linguistic anthropological frameworks. This is coursework, specifically for a class on language, gender, and sexuality, so the focus was on this today. There is a lot more content when it comes to incels (it really is a never ending rabbit hole), and I only encourage you to pursue this topic further if you feel you can stomach it because trust me, the majority of the content is much worse than I shared here already.

I hope that this was at least a little bit eye opening and relevant. We need to pay closer attention to the language we hear and experience around us and understand that people like this are out there. If you made it this far, congratulations! I'll be going now, there's more rabbit hole to fall down, even though I'm pretty sure part of my soul flies away every time I read a new post about it. Cheers folks!

- Vega

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